I'm Sara

a web developer, educator, and blockchain enthusiast.



Sara Lutes bitmoji waving hello

Welcome, I'm glad you're here and I'm excited for you to explore what we can do together. I started my professional career as an educator teaching in alternative and work-based learning programs. In 2021, I learned web development and, in 2022, I am excited to explore the world of Web3 and Blockchain while creating both beautiful and functional things for the web.

I love coffee, dogs, yoga, and creating cool things with a bit of whimsy.

My Skills

Sara Lutes bitmoji waving from a computer screen

Web Development

I am a full stack web developer and can help you bring your ideas to life on the web from start to finish. Check out some of my recent work here and then contact me to get started on your project!

Sara Lutes bitmoji riding a unicorn


Your project should function smoothly, as expected, and elegantly. Your project should also be beautifully designed and cultivate an engaging UI/UX.

I can help you achieve these design goals.

Sara Lutes bitmoji sitting behind a busy desk

Project and People Management

I've spent a decade organizng and motivating teams of reluctant individuals to meet performance targets and hard deadlines. My life as an educator has equipped me with a valuable set of people and project management skills that I would love to bring to the development of your project.

Sara Lutes bitmoji celebrating with confetti


To view my resume as well as my full work experience, education, certifications, and creditentials please visit my linkedin or Indeed page. A pdf of my resume can also be viewed here.


image with link to project
Featurettes Baton

A multipage static website created using HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and AWS Hosting.

Tijuana Coffee Blog

A sample blog page page using node.js, express.js, and ejs templating. Logo designed using Canva. Deployed on Heroku


A sample newsletter sign up page using node.js, express.js, and Mailchimp API deployed on Heroku

Group33 Dev

A telegram crypto bot landing page built with HTML5, Bootstrap 5, Javascript, Node.js, deployed on Heroku.


A product landing page for a fake dog dating app made with HTML5 and CSS.


A drumkit web page built with HTML5, CSS, and Javascript made as a bootcamp exercise.

Get In Touch

Let's work together!

Sara Lutes bitmoji in sunglasses behind a sign that says squad

Have a great idea or need a developer for your project?

Have a project that needs a bit of organization and management?

Need a solution to your unique challenge?

Want to chat about the awesomeness of dogs, yoga, hot sauce, Sylvan Esso, or coffee? Then contact me because I can't wait to work with you!


LinkedIn Instagram Facebook

Photo Gallery

Check out pictures of what I've been up to recently. Maybe we have some common interests?

The Miami Bull at Bitcoin2022 Sara doing Yoga Cute black and white dog Front row view of Sylvan Esso Cup of coffee in leaves Bitcoin2022
Ready to cleanup river trails Cute white dog in pajamas Turkey cooking on a grill Sara wearing a hat from the 50s French Toast
Pretty rose tattoos Sara in front of a painting of Frida Can of beer in front of a T-Rex painting Sara doing yoga Black Husky Glitter Seltzer